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Sunday School

Haven't tried Sunday School yet? Come join us in one of our classes at 9:45AM each Sunday morning. These classes provide a time of bible-study in a smaller, casual setting and are a great place to get more connected with others in the church. Our adult classes are generally grouped by life-stage but feel free to find one that fits you best!


Life Groups meet on Sunday nights in homes. These small groups share a meal together and engage in small group discussion in a more relaxed environment. Life Groups are intergenerational, allowing for discussion, discipleship, and mentorship across age groups. LIFEGroups start back on September 10! Click the button below to register for a LIFEGroup.


Women's Ministry

The women of our church gather monthly for fellowship and encouragement during Sisterhood Brunch. The Sisterhood Brunch is usually held on the last Saturday of each month.

Men's Ministry

The men of our church engage in service and fellowship regularly. The best way to join in is to attend our monthly Brotherhood Breakfast the first Sunday of each month at 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall.